Allen M. Bell is a resident of Tenafly, New Jersey. He received his Juris Doctor from American University, Washington, D.C. in 1971.
Mr. Bell handles a wide variety of matters with an emphasis on real estate, commercial leasing, landlord/tenant disputes, zoning and planning, municipal law, banking, environmental and corporate matters.
Mr. Bell has held many state and county Bar Association posts over the years, including President of the Bergen County Bar Association, the Association of County Bar Presidents, and the Bergen County Bar Foundation, and Trustee of the New Jersey State Bar Association. He has served as Chairman of the New Jersey Supreme Court District Ethics Committee for Bergen County and has been appointed by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Special Master in complex ethics hearings.
Mr. Bell is the attorney for the Borough of Old Tappan and the Oradell Planning Board, and Municipal Judge of the Boroughs of Tenafly and Cresskill.